Monday, February 23, 2015

Honors Thesis: Movable Parts

My last year has been preoccupied mainly with the completion of my honors thesis work, a series of collectable figurines housed in 5 toy vending machines. Movable Parts refers not only to the fact that the figures are individual pieces that can be manipulated at whim, but also draws attention to the movable nature of the vending machines. Placed in a gallery, as they were for only one night, the machines defy traditional conventions of an art show: each piece is priced so that every audience member can become an "art collector". When the machines are separated and placed in public locations, they themselves become mini-galleries in unexpected places. 

Unlike other shows at the John Sommers Gallery (in the UNM Art Building), the public was not allowed access to the show until the end of the first week.

More Parts after the jump.

Movable Parts by Jaime Tillotson

Instructions for audience members to locate the four machines that would be leaving the gallery following the reception.

From left to right: Rachel Whiteread, Joseph Beuys, Donald Judd, R. Crumb, Matthew Barney.

Insert quarters, turn, collect. Repeat.

Movable Parts: Keith Haring (wildcard figure), Rachel Whiteread, Joseph Beuys, Donald Judd, R. Crumb, Matthew Barney.

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